Monday, January 16, 2012

Dr. King's Dream

Today is Dr. King's birthday. I wanted to blog about it but still make it relative to Health, Healing and Spirituality. I was thinking about his "I Have A Dream" speech and really his whole crusade for equality. He was passionate about his work. So much so that he went to jail for his belief and ultimately died for what he believed in. I was watching The Soloist with Jamie Fox and Robert Downing Jr. Robert's character says to his ex-wife referring to Jamie Fox's character, "He has such passion for his music.He believes in the music so much. I have never had that much passion for anything in my life." I could relate. I could relate. I have passion for what I do. My love for holistic health and healing but is it enough? I have passion for a lot of things but am I willing to go to jail for it? Would I go to jail because the government is trying to turn purchasing vitamins into requiring you need a prescription for them? I have often heard people quote "Do what you love and the money will come."  When I did my first Green Goddess Party, I had so much fun. I LOVED what I was doing and it showed as my audience responded. That quote is something I have come to believe in. My New Year Goal, is to step up my passion.


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Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Chef in Town!!

Before I purchased my first house, I started buying the things I would need like bathroom accessories, kitchen stuff and pots and pans. I had no idea what Spirit was doing back then however as I reflect on it now, I can see where Spirit was going. Back then I was making big bucks or what I considered big bucks so I could afford to get the good stuff. I had no idea that I would later become a vegetarian or so health conscious when I decided to buy my pots and pans. The pots and pans that I purchased were Teflon free.

"The nonstick coating used in DuPont’s Teflon® pans has been found to release one or more of 15 different toxic gases when heated to certain temperatures. There are alternatives to Teflon cookware. Safer options include stainless steel, ceramic or cast iron. Anodized aluminum cookware is regarded by some to be better than Teflon, but others feel that aluminum is concerning as it is a potentially toxic metal.One of the main chemicals used in the manufacturing process of Teflon® and other nonstick pans is perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA) also known as C-8. This chemical has led to cancer and birth defects in lab animals, and may have led to birth defects in DuPont plant workers."

Aside from food tasting better, its better for you to cook on non Teflon cookware. Choose to live a healthier life.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Vegan/Vegetarian Speed Dating

I was talking to someone about getting back into the dating scene. I said I was ready to do this for real this time but that I was interested in someone who was on the same path that I am on. For me, I think that its best that I date someone who understands my weirdness. Not that being a vegetarian or vegan is weird but most people, who are, understand the energetic of being a vegan or vegetarian. Not all, but most. Any way, she suggested speed dating. Not necessarily vegan/vegetarian but speed dating in general. I thought, I wonder if they have a vegan/vegetarian speed dating out there. Hmmmm, I thought I give it a try. I did a search on Google (I love Google; you can find ANYTHING on there!!) I found an online meeting place that was hosting a vegan/vegetarian dating in the area!! WHOOO HOOO. I was in luck. So I signed up and eagerly awaited the date. The day had arrived. I walked in my closets and could not find a thing to wear. What do you wear to these things? So, an outfit was picked out and my best face paint was laid on and off I went. I arrived about ten good minutes early. Just enough time to eat an appetizer. Now WHY would you pick a restaurant that is NOT vegan/vegetarian friendly? I do eat fish but what was on the menu was NOT an appetizer or under ten bucks! So I scouted around to see who might float my boat and really didn’t see anyone. I thought maybe I was early. This shing dig was supposed to start @ 7:30 and it was almost that time. I heard the lady say she was gathering all of us together. Ladies and the booths and the men would be the ones to move from seat to seat. KOOL. I don’t have to do any work.  So the night began. You got LITERALLY 5 minutes with each guy. I had some questions prepared and all of these things I thought I would be able to get out in that 5 minutes. Didn’t happen. Most of the questions were; “Are you are vegan or vegetarian and how long?’ By the time you answered that and they answered that, DING, it was time for the guy to switch. While there was no love connection with any of the guys I met, it was definitely interesting to know that there are others out there who are looking for a mate who has similar eating and life styles. Avoids some of the drama later.

Dating can be intimidating. Just got divorced? Been out of the dating scene for awhile or having issues with relationships? A relationship coach could be just right for you.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kyanite - Stone of Awareness

I work up one morning feeling like I needed to buy some crystals and herbs.  I had no clue as to which ones but felt strongly about going to my spot that I got to for herbs and crystals. So I am standing in the store like ok now what? Spirit you got me out of my bed on a Sunday, so lets get it started. I started walking around like a zombie. Like I was being guided when I found myself in front of their small selection of crystals. I scanned over their selection and thought, ok, well I have all of these but yet I did not move. So I scanned again. I had been hearing Kyanite in my head for a few days but it didn’t dawn on me that’s what I was there for. I looked down and there was basket full of Kyanite. So I got me one, and a few herbs and I was on my way. I knew that I was hearing this crystal but had no clue what it did. There are literally hundreds of crystals out there. I don’t know all of them.  

So when I looked up Kyanite, here is what it had to say. “Kyanite can aid you when dialoging with the physical body in meditation. Kyanite’s life-force energy can open the way for spiritual healing of the body and also make it easier to make healthy life style changes. Kyanite works well with the crown and third eye chakras and its focus is spiritual expansion.” Ok, now I get it. I had also been talking about getting back into my yoga, cutting out the chocolate completely and a few other things health wise. Spirit was nudging me on to make those changes. I don't always understand when Spirit tells me to do things, I just do them. It may come to me later, as it did in this instance. Change was necessary.

Want a crystal healing consultation?
Email me at for a FREE 15 minute information session to assess what NUBODI service is right for you. Please feel free to share my blogs with your friends and family on your social media page. Don't forget to visit my website at NUBODI. As usual, thank you for reading and I will see you tomorrow!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Love Thy Heart

Many people take the heart for granted. When it comes to “matters of the heart”, the heart is affected physically. The heart is in the center of the chest, which anchors the life-force from the Higher Self.  The heart is governed by the Heart Chakra. The color of the heart chakra is green and generally all green gemstones will work to help balance it. Some red stones work and pink stones will also help balance the heart chakra. My favorite heart chakra stone is Rose Quartz. Its very gentle and loving. 

Since the heart chakra is in the center of the chest, it holds together the rest of the chakras. When the heart is unbalanced, the other chakras are unbalanced. When working with clients who complain of heart related issues, I often ask about their relationships. The heart chakra deals with love, empathy and relationships; relationships with self, relationships with others. When caring for the heart, one should keep in mind all aspects of heart health. Whitethorn, thyme and Melissa are excellent herbs for heart health.

Want a crystal healing or consultation?
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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rose in Bloom

I love roses. Not just getting them, because I also buy them for myself to lift the mood, but because the fragrance. I’ve used roses for a number of love spells and products that I make. Roses have a feminine energy and are associated with many of the Deities such as Isis, Adonis, Cupid and Aurora.  Rose petals or rose hips have been used in healing spells and mixtures for centuries.  It is said that when sprinkled around the house, rose petals calm personal stress and personal upheavals. 

Did you know that you can eat flowers? Certain flowers have been shown to contain important nutrients. Used in herbal medicine, rose petals with its sweet and warmth acts on the liver and spleen. In healing, it is used to dry colds, clear mucus discharges and harmonizes blood."Bacteria die within five minutes when contacted with fresh rose petals which makes rose a perfect medicine for fighting skin diseases. Fresh rose petals will help cure festering wounds and burns; they may also alleviate allergic itching. Ancient doctors used rose water to treat upset nerves, fumed patients suffering from lungs diseases with rose incense and gave extracts of rose petals to patients suffering from heart and kidney diseases."

Want an herbal consultation to see which herbs are right for you?
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session to assess what NUBODI service is right for you.
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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sacred Space

In the movie Eat, Pray, Love, Julia Roberts’ character is trying to meditate when her mind starts to drift off into decorating her own meditation room when she returns to NYC. I can relate. I said to myself and others I am sure, that when I purchase my next house, I am going to make sure one of the rooms is designated for meditating. I picked out the paint swatches, meditation pillow, candles, wall décor and the works!! Towards the end of the movie, the guy says to Julia Roberts, “The meditation room is within Groceries.”

The other day I was watching the movie Sucker Punch. (I watch a lot of movies, can you tell?) I have seen this movie a million times and never noticed at the end of the movie the narrator says, “you can escape any world by going within to your sacred space.” Well duh. Do you see where I am going with this? (I receive a lot of messages from movies ya know.) I had created this small little space in my walk in closet. I had a small table in which to put things on, candles and so forth and a little pillow. I never use the space. I generally sit on the bed and meditate or use my comfy office chair where I do a lot of my writing. The moral of this blog is that you don’t need an elaborate space or even a large space to access that sacred space within. I have met people who have carved tiny spaces in their bedrooms dedicated to meditation. Nothing fancy, a few items sacred to them and their purpose was all that was needed.   

Sacred space is within, have you found yours yet?

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Friday, January 6, 2012

More Carrots than Bugs Bunny!!

The other day, the WorthCoach and I were discussing the contents of our refrigerator. She stated that she had received a boat load of carrots and didn’t know what she was going to do with them. I had received a couple of bags myself that were almost on their way out when given they were given to me. I didn’t want to throw them away but had to do something and quickly. We came up with, well juice them. 

Juicing is the best!! Fresh juices from juicing contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fluids necessary for body function. Carrots are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Extremely high in pro-vitamin A and contains vitamins B, C, D, E and K. The minerals found in carrots are calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and trace minerals.  Skin and hair benefit from the protein and minerals found in carrots. While I am not particularly found of plain carrot juice, when mixed with other juices, it can be quite tasty. For example this healthy bone tonic supplies calcium for maintenance of healthy bones which includes 6 carrots, 4 kale leaves, 4 sprigs of parsley and half an apple. Drink up!!

Want to learn more about juicing?
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Garnet: The Blood Stone

Every year I began with a fast. Last year I added a specific crystal healing to my fast using Garnet gemstones.  “Garnet comes from the word Granatum, which refers to the seed of a pomegranate. Garnet is a root chakra stone and provides a sense of rootedness for facilitating tasks.” Since it is an Earth element stone, it also provides grounding energy. They are conductors of past-life memories and are memory sharpeners. Garnets promote compassion of the world and self and help a person to let go. I use them on my root chakra to help stay grounded. Garnets also assist the liver and kidneys in ridding the body of toxins.

Want a crystal healing consultation?
Email me at for a FREE 15 minute information session to assess what NUBODI service is right for you. Please feel free to share my blogs with your friends and family on your social media page. Don't forget to visit my website at NUBODI. As usual, thank you for reading and I will see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Losing Weight with Tumeric

Since it’s still early in the year, I thought I would keep in the flow of weight loss.  I am a big fan of herbs and spices in case you haven’t noticed. Whether it’s in teas, elixirs and tinctures or just sprinkled on my food, there are tremendous amounts of health benefits to gain by adding herbs to your daily diet. Turmeric is a spicy, bitter but warm herb. “It regulates the menses, aids digestion, dissolves gallstones, and decongests the liver. It is also good for improving the blood moving properties of myrrh.” Turmeric has also been used in Hawaiian magic for purification.

Want an herbal consultation to see which herbs are right for you?
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Monday, January 2, 2012

To workout or Not workout.... That is the question.

All of the gyms are packed. This is the time of the year where the gyms make their quotas the most. One of the gyms I applied for to be a personal trainer contacted ME for a free day at the gym and to join their gym. Seeing how there was a change in management, I didn't hold it against him.

I have journeyed to several of the gyms in my little town and what I have found in common is that most of them do not offer a holistic workout package. A holistic workout program should offer information on diet & nutrition, herbal supplements, the workout itself and all the means necessary to lose weight and or maintain the weight that you are at if you are comfortable with it.

A lot of people want to lose weight and eat right but don't know where to start. As I have observed many people in gyms, a lot of people don't know what they are doing. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone trained in the art of health and wellness to assist you? Get you started? The gym can be a scary place and intimidating to see others LOOKING like they know what they are doing and enjoying it. You can be one of those people. That’s where I come in. As a holistic health practitioner, I can offer a complete package. A full consultation will determine which program is right for you.

Want help with losing weight and keeping it off?
Email me at for a FREE 15 minute information
session to assess what NUBODI service is right for you.

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As usual, thank you for reading and I will see you tomorrow!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!


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5 Essential Oils For Love

"An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile chemical compounds from plants." People have used es...